In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful,
By the Grace of the Almighty, we were recently granted approval by the City of Swan to change the usage of our property. However, this approval does not come without any conditions. The City has provided a list of conditions and for the purpose of this update, the most important ones have been outlined below:
A total of 31 parking bays shall be provided, each measuring 5.5 x 2.5 metres, clearly marked on the ground and served by a 6 metre paved access way. Where the access way abuts a building or other barrier, a minimum width of 6.5 metres is required. Disabled bays to comply with Australian Standard 2890.6.
The internal driveway is to be widened to a minimum dimension of 6 metres to facilitate two way vehicle access. Details of the modified internal driveway are to be submitted to the City prior to the commencement of the approved development.
Vehicle access onto the site shall be restricted to that shown on the approved site plan.
Use of the site for the purpose approved shall not commence until an Occupancy Permit is issued.
Provision must be made for access and facilities for use by people with disabilities in accordance with provisions of the Building Code of Australia and AS 1428.1.
A maximum of 80 persons shall occupy the approved ‘Community Purpose’ and ‘Place of Worship’ at any given time.
The approval document notes that the City will not issue a permit Building Permit until all the conditions of planning approval and any other requirements pertaining to this planning approval have been met. It informs us that if the development which is the subject of the approval has not substantially commenced within a period of 2 years, the approval will lapse and be of no further effect.
In light of the above, we urge our community members to start donating to our bank account as soon as possible. If you are already a regular donor, you can increase your monthly donation by contacting one of the members of the management committee. If you are not already a donor, there isn’t a better time to be one! To sign up, please click here.
If you would like to make a large lump sum cash donation, you can donate directly to our bank account, the details of which can be found here.
We are working on implementing a new payment portal and will soon start accepting online credit card donations. Until then, if you wish to donate via your credit card, please get in touch with one of the members of our management.
We request you to pray for this noble endeavour to be successful.
Tuesday, 01 March 2016